The 15 Best Gifts for Dog Moms

Is there a woman in your life who is so crazy about her dog that she embraces the title “Dog Mom”? Dog moms consider their pets their children – even calling their dogs their “fur babies.” Nothing thrills these women more than a gift that celebrates her four-legged family member.  So, when it comes to time to get this dog-loving lady a gift, shop with her fur baby in mind.

We’ve compiled a list of the 15 best gifts for dog moms to help you find the perfect present.

  1. A Pawprint Keepsake Kit

Gift the dog mom in your life with one of our one-of-a-kind dog paw print ornament kits. With the Memories in Clay paw print keepsake set, she will receive a no-mess kit for her and her fur baby to get crafting. Once she has captured her pup’s print, she will send it back to us where we will turn it into a cherished piece of art that can be hung on a Christmas tree, desk, or bulletin board. The unique 3D ceramic print of her pup’s print will be one she cherishes forever and the experience of making the print with her fur baby will be one she never forgets.

  1. Personalized Items

There are tons of options for personalized merchandise for dog moms, such as custom mugs, socks, and blankets. All you need is a clear photo of her fur baby to upload to a photo gift site.

  1. A Custom Pet Portrait

For the artsy dog moms, consider getting a custom pet portrait done. You can also opt to give her a gift certificate so she can choose the perfect photo she’d like replicated into artwork.

  1. Matching Dog Mom and Fur Baby Attire

The mommy and me matching trend isn’t going away anytime soon, and it has made its way into dog mom territory. You can find matching sets for dog moms and their fur babies, but they tend to be more subdued than mommy and me clothing sets. For example, you can find a matching adult scarf and dog bandana or a shirt with a matching pattern for the dog mom and her fur baby.

  1. A Doggy Diaper Bag

If the dog lover in your life takes her dog with her everywhere she goes, then she will benefit from a doggy diaper bag. Like a traditional diaper bag, this bag is designed to carry all her dog’s essentials, such as waste bags, a travel water dish, a food dish, toys, and treats.

  1. A Furbo Camera

For the working dog mom, she will be tickled to receive the Furbo dog camera. Once paired with her cell phone, she can check in on her pooch while she is at work. The system even allows her to talk to her fur baby and toss treats. Plus, it sends barking alerts so she can check in and calm her loved one.

  1. A Dog-Friendly Selfie Clip

Is your friend or family member always trying to capture the perfect selfie with her dog? If so, then a dog-friendly selfie clip is a great gift idea. You can find dog-friendly selfie clips that hold squeaky balls and treats to hold the pup’s attention just long enough to capture the perfect pic.

  1. A Dog DNA Test

Unless her fur baby is a purebred with papers, she has probably had to make guesses about her pup’s family lineage. However, it is now possible to trace a dog’s family line with the Embark Dog DNA test. In addition to learning more about the dog’s breed and family history, the test will also provide key medical insights.

  1. Sentimental Jewelry

A quick search on Etsy for dog jewelry leads to several options for sentimental jewelry that will make a great gift for a dog mom. For example, you can get rings and necklaces customized with her dog’s name.

  1. A Dog Treat Maker

If she is a fan of baking, then search for a dog treat maker. There are many products available that allow dog owners to bake their own healthy dog treats. Plus, many of the sets include cute cookie cutters.

  1. A Fashionable Pet Carrier

For the fashionista who insists on taking her tiny dog with her on her travels, look for a fashionable pet carrier. You can even find pet carriers that look like designer purses.

  1. A Cuddle Clone

For the dog mom who can’t stand to be apart from her pup for even a minute, get her a fully customized cuddle clone. Using a photo of your pet, Cuddle Clones will create a life-like plush animal of your pet. In addition to making plush animals (AKA cuddle clones), the company has also started making customized face masks for pet owners.

  1. A Pet Sling

We’ve all seen a dog mom walking her small fur baby in a pet stroller, but did you know that pet slings are rising in popularity? Similar to baby slings, a pet sling allows the dog mom to “wear” her pet in a sling on her body. This is a great gift for those who are anxious and find comfort from having their dog near.

  1. A Pet-Friendly Subscription

A pet-friendly subscription, such as Bark Box, is the gift that keeps on giving. Not only will the subscription provide much-needed treats and toys for her fur baby regularly, but it will also give both dog and owner joy as it is unboxed month after month.

  1. A Custom-Made Pawprint Sign

A custom-made pawprint wooden sign is a piece of home décor that is both a statement piece and a special memento. At Memories in Clay, we send a fully customizable kit to the dog mom for her to capture the perfect paw print. Then, the dog mom sends it back to us where we put the finishing touches on the ceramic pawprint and affix the paw print and the word “LOVE” to the wooden sign. Every time she sees the paw print for the letter “O” she will be reminded of the love of her fur baby.


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